EfVET offers European project partners the opportunity to disseminate progress, results and products of their Transnational Transfer of Innovation; Development of Innovation and other European initiatives – a key to successful valorisation of good practice outcomes and sustainability.
During the “Roundtables” session, where project promoters have the opportunity to provide more in-depth information to all interested people and discuss future cooperation opportunities.
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Viewing 1 - 17 of 17 groups
The Erasmus+ project E-TRAINERS (2016-1-IT01-KA202-005535 http://www.e-trainers.eu) set up a VET staff e-learning more
+29 members
Cultural tourism is the spearhead of any efforts for the diversification of the tourism offer particularly to more
+19 members
From a rookie to an expert
We want to share our work on building an international path for VET staff in Europe. more
+13 members
The need of training for caregivers of people affected by dementia will be covered by the DCare project, through more
+20 members
Let’s play VET will contribute in rethinking the teaching paradigm though an innovative VET methodology that w more
+11 members
Visual Literacy for Engineering Education (VLEE) is based on the recognition that visual thinking and related more
+8 members
PAL WOMEN “Boosting Female Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise Creation for social inclusi
The Erasmus+ project PAL WOMEN aims to empower female integration and improve their basic competence and skills in more
+6 members
Co-financed by the EU Commission LIFE Programme and led by the Italian network for VET, ENAIP NET, the LIFE FOSTER more
+10 members
The presentation will focus on the main results of the ESW project, namely:
INTELECTUAL OUTPUT 1 – UTC t more+13 members
SELFIE is a tool designed to help general and vocational schools embed digital technologies into teaching, more
+15 members
25 countries from two different continents
36 partners involved
+500 learning and working mobilities planned
4 more+19 members
The fourth industrial revolution has not only created new opportunities for economy but has also raised the more
+11 members
For the period up to 2025, half of all the jobs in the market are projected to require high-level qualifications, more
+11 members
The InMobVET project proposes to trace the new way to ensure the inclusion of young people in difficulty (learning more
+26 members
Fostering EU wine through a new era of specialized training for organic and biodynamic wine-producer
”WinEra – Fostering EU wine through a new era of specialized training for organic and biodynamic wine-producers in more
+9 members
PECVET’s objective is to link ECVET with the relevant NQF to be able to use learning outcome-based courses, in o more
+9 members
The focus of DRIVES work is to support the Sectoral skills intelligence in the Automotive Sector. It includes more
+4 members
Viewing 1 - 17 of 17 groups
“COVID-19 beyond 2020: A new generation of VET?”
Every year, EfVET organises Annual Conference with workshops. Unfortunately, this year because of the COVID-19 and social distancing rules, EfVET has taken the collective decision to have online workshop.
Have you ever found yourself with a group of people, trying to make them engaged and participate and bring some clarity to the conversations that are happening?
The Visual workshops thinking as your best tool to bring people together and come up with outcomes that everyone will remember.
19 November 2020
14:00 CET Welcome
14:10 CET First roundtables
14:40 CET Break
14:50 CET Second roundtables
15:20 CET Close sessions
2 sessions of 30 minutes each.
Introduction – sharing and discussions
practical info
1st STEP: Make sure you are connected with your account. Then choose the roundtable you are interested in. While viewing the roundtables list, you can either click the “Join” button to join or click on the title to read more information.
2nd STEP: If you have clicked on the roundtable title to read more information first. You can click on the right side the button “Join” to join
And it is done. You are now a participant to this roundtable!!!